Also known as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Month. This July, the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (the Center) invites you to join us in promoting health equity issues of minorities with problem gambling prevention. Maryland data shows minority populations are at a greater risk of problem gambling behaviors. Help us raise awareness of this health disparity and work to create equity in awareness, education, prevention, treatment, and recovery for all Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with a gambling problem or a disorder.


For the progression of mental health and well-being within multiracial communities, the following calls to action are proposed:

  • Practitioners must explore the nuances of multiracial identities and the unique needs of each individual through diversified education and cultural humility.

  • Include opportunities for multiracial identification in screening tools, data collection, and research.

  • Fund and promote the inclusion of multiracial resources.

Minority Mental Health Month

Mental health disorders are common among people involved in the criminal justice system. Minority populations are disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system, thus increasing the likelihood of a mental health disorder among these populations. In addition, minority populations are less likely to seek mental health care due to the stigma of seeking help (American Psychiatric Association, 2017).

Although the research is limited, studies conducted on problem gambling and race have consistently revealed that BIPOC populations are more likely to suffer from problematic gambling behaviors when compared to the Caucasian population. 

According to the Statewide Gambling Prevalence in Maryland, 2020, 18.4% of Hispanics, 10.7% African Americans, 10.4% Asian or Pacific Islanders, 7.9% of American Indians, and 5.7% of Caucasians have a gambling disorder. Across all BIPOC populations, persons with a gambling disorder disorder are more prevalent when compared to the general population.

A Toolkit / Guide for Behavioral Health Providers, Preventionists & Public Information Officers

This July, the Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling (the Center) invites you to join us in promoting health equity on the issues of underage and problem gambling prevention. Maryland data shows minority populations are at a greater risk of problem gambling behaviors. Let us raise awareness of this health disparity and work to create equity in awareness, education, prevention, treatment, and recovery of problem gambling disorders.


During the month of July, Mental Health America is offering several free webinars. Click on the button below for more information.

Disclaimer: The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling is in no way affiliated with these trainings, nor do we offer any CEUs. Please visit Mental health America for more information.

How To Advocate For Your Mental Health